Communication Committee
Chair: Eric Johnson, CHMM

The Communication Committee provides information about NMSHMM events and other related activities, primarily via newsletters and this web site. If you have article ideas or would like to help with the newsletter, please contact the Communication Committee Chair at . To review our web site updating procedures, please click here (Adobe Acrobat format).

March 2006 News
Eric Johnson, CHMM
Committee Chair

NMSHMM is updating the web site. We have removed old material and updated the board minutes. The general meeting attendance records have been reformatted to show credits towards CHMM recertification. Once a new logo is selected, we will change the headers and background to include the new logo. If you have any suggestions or information to post on the web site, please contact Sheldon Liebman, our

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December 2005: Help Design the New NMSHMM Logo
Eric Johnson, CHMM, AICP

NMSHMM is sponsoring a contest to design a new logo to replace our existing roadrunner (a.k.a. "the chicken"). The new logo will include the roadrunner and be suitable for reproduction as a 3-inch by 3-inch monogram on a polo shirt. We are looking for a visually attractive logo that will be used on newsletters, web sites, correspondence, clothing, and other NMSHMM uses. Design entries are due by January 31, 2006 and should be sent by regular mail to NMSHMM, P.O. Box 92132, Albuquerque, NM 87199 or sent by e-mail to . The person who submits the winning entry will receive the first polo shirt emblazoned with the new logo as a prize!

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