NMSHMM Roadrunner Logo

 New Mexico Society of Hazardous Materials Managers
PO Box 40635 • Albuquerque, NM 87196 •

October 2008

Some newsletter content is only available
to members in good standing of NMSHMM.

Table of Contents:

Our Mission
To provide environmental professionals in the Southwest a forum for
professional development, education, and networking opportunities;
and to offer our community environmental, health, and safety expertise

Brian Pence, CHMMNMSHMM...
Brian Pence, CHMM
Assaigai Analytical Laboratories, Inc.

Greetings NMSHMM,

Three of the NMSHMM board members attended the Academy of Certified Hazardous Materials Managers (ACHMM) national conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota this past month. Please join us for our monthly luncheon at the Uptown Bar and Grill at 11:30 am on Wednesday, October 15, where our ACHMM attendees will give a recap of the conference and share the latest news on the ACHMM and hazardous materials management.

Don't forget, it's not too late to register for the Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management (EHMM) course presented again this year by NMSHMM (see article below). The EHMM (formerly the National Overview Course or NOC) is a great way to stock up on CMPs for both Certified Hazardous Materials Managers (CHMM) and Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH), not to mention that the course is an excellent primer for the Certified Hazardous Materials Professional (CHMP) and CHMM exams.

NMSHMM is also seeking instructors for the EHMM course. We know there is a wealth of experience and knowledge out there in New Mexico, so don't be shy. We want you!! Visit the website at www.nmshmm.org or look for links in this newsletter to register for the EHMM course or to volunteer to be an instructor. If you have been an instructor in the past, we hope you will join us again. The expertise of our instructors adds valuable insight to the EHMM course.

Please feel free to contact me at  if you have any questions or need additional information regarding the EHMM course. I look forward to seeing you soon at a luncheon or at the EHMM course. Be safe!!

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Board Members Needed for Albuquerque Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
Janet Kerley, CHMM
LEPC Chairman

Recent resignations and normal transfer of LEPC Board positions have resulted in several LEPC Board vacancies. The open positions include: Chair (1 year term); 1st Vice Chair (1 year term then moves to chair position); 2nd Vice Chair (1 year term); and Treasurer (2 year term). Qualified and knowledgeable individuals are needed to fill these important positions associated with proper emergency preparedness for hazardous material situations. The LEPC is an important stakeholder organization in our community for hazardous materials issues. Participation by CHMMs who are knowledgeable professionals would help the LEPC address important pending issues in our community. Next year, the LEPC will address policies and procedures for the evacuation of special populations during emergency situations. Interested individuals should contact Janet Kerley at .

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ACHMM Newsletters
Sandra Martin, CHMM
NMED Hazardous Waste Bureau

ACHMM sends out information by e-mail at least twice monthly to active members. If you are an ACHMM member and are not receiving regular ACHMM e-mail messages, you should check to see if your SPAM blocker is filtering out ACHMM messages. If this does not appear to be the cause, you should contact ACHMM and update your e-mail address. Information on voting for ACHMM officers, branding, newsletters, and other useful information is provided regularly by ACHMM as a membership benefit.

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Still Some Seats Left for the NMSHMM Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management (EHMM) Course
Paul Karas, CPG, CHMM

Registration for the 2008 NMSHMM EHMM Course (formerly the ACHMM National Overview Course or NOC) has really picked up over the last few weeks. The EHMM Course will be held November 17 - 19, 2008, at the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) District 1 office, 5500 San Antonio Dr. NE, in Albuquerque. Many hazardous materials and environmental professionals have acted to take advantage of the $50 "early bird" discount. Because of the late announcement of the course, this discount was recently extended through Monday, October 13. Don't miss the special price!

The 3-day course offers a comprehensive review of environmental laws and regulations as well as a basic review of safety and health principles that you need as a hazardous materials manager. This is an excellent way to prepare for the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) Exam or to satisfy training or re-certification requirements, enhance competence in the profession, and obtain information regarding new rules and regulations.

The fee for the NMSHMM EHMM Course will be $695.00 for the full three days of instruction, ACHMM Hazardous Materials Management textbook, a course manual, and refreshments. Early registrants (prior to October 13, 2008) will receive a $50 discount for a course price of $645.00. Registrants who have previously participated in the NMSHMM EHMM (or NOC) will be eligible for a reduced rate of $300.00, but will not receive a copy of the ACHMM textbook.

Look for further information on the NMSHMM EHMM on the web at www.nmshmm.org. Please contact Paul Karas, NMSHMM Education/Professional Development Committee Chair, at 505-243-3200 or  if you are interested in learning more about the EHMM, volunteering to assist with running the EHMM, or being considered as an instructor.

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Committee News

Government Affairs and Local News Stories
Compiled by Eric Johnson, AICP, CHMM

The following are news stories reported during the past month:

  • Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez would like to see Albuquerque rooftops covered with solar panels based on comments he made at a document signing for an industrial revenue bond package. Through the bonds, Schott Solar will receive tax breaks for its proposed plant at Mesa del Sol. (Albuquerque Journal, 9-6-08)
  • Mayor Chavez is organizing a task force to improve recycling in Albuquerque. Only 5 percent of Albuquerque's solid waste is recycled; the mayor would like to increase the recycling rate to 50 percent of all solid waste. Nevertheless, the city's recycling rate has improved during the last five years. Curbside recycling increased by 50 percent (from 7,045 tons in 2004 to 10,603 tons per year in 2008) while the amount of residential solid waste sent to the landfill decreased by three percent (from 168,447 tons in 2004 to 163,313 tons in 2008). (Albuquerque Journal, 9-6-08 and 9-23-08)
  • Youthworks is an organization that guides youth in Santa Fe to "green-collar jobs" in areas such as renewable energy, energy conservation, soil conservation, and riparian habitat restoration. In cooperation with the Santa Fe Alliance, six young adults received "green collar" apprenticeships, and the program plans to expand to assisting up to 35 high-risk young adults next year (Santa Fe New Mexican, 9-9-08).
  • NMED renewed a five-year groundwater discharge permit for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad. The permit allows WIPP to discharge sewage effluent, storm water, and non-hazardous wastewater to lined beds within set limits. (Albuquerque Journal, 9-10-08)
  • An explosion at a San Juan County well site killed a 21-year old man and injured another man. The tank on the back of a BJ Services nitrogen transfer truck exploded at a new ConocoPhillips well site outside of Aztec. The Occupational Heath and Safety Administration was investigating the explosion, but the exact cause of the explosion was unknown. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 9-13-08)
  • The Santa Fe City Council and Santa Fe County Commission will vote on whether the North Central Waste Authority will be allowed to dispose of solid waste at the Caja del Rio Landfill. The Authority collects waste (30,000 tons annually) from Española, Rio Arriba County, Ohkay Owingeh (formerly San Juan Pueblo), Santa Clara Pueblo, and Los Alamos County. Santa Fe City and Santa Fe County previously reject similar proposals in 2001 and 2003. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 9-16-08)
  • The New Mexico Court of Appeals determined that a Las Cruces District Court wrongly dismissed a case filed by car dealers, farmers, and Democratic legislators who challenged the authority of the Environmental Improvement Board to adopt auto emission standards similar to those in California. NMED Secretary Ron Curry said the Richardson administration would fight the ruling. (Albuquerque Journal, 9-17-08)
  • WIPP operations were back to normal after the August 3rd puncture of a waste drum by a fork-lift like machine. Work had been halted to allow a full operational review. (Albuquerque Journal, 9-18-08)
  • Under the proposed Western Climate Initiative, several U.S. states, including New Mexico, will adopt greenhouse gas emissions caps in 2012. The goal is to reduce emissions in regulated industries by 15 percent by 2020. (Albuquerque Journal, 9-24-08).
  • The first shipment of waste from Oak Ridge National Laboratory arrived at WIPP on September 23. This waste was the 6,894th shipment received at WIPP. (Albuquerque Journal, 9-26-08)
  • NMED want Public Service Company of New Mexico to provide information on the release of fly ash from the San Juan Generating Station in northwestern New Mexico. NMED will determine if air quality regulations were violated. Fly ash contains silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide, and iron oxide particles. (Albuquerque Journal, 9-27-08)
  • The Bureau of Land Management set rules for exploratory natural gas drilling by Harvey E. Yates Company (Heyco) on Otero Mesa. The rules were included as part of the final environmental assessment and decision record for this project. (Albuquerque Journal, 9-27-08)
  • Santa Fe County issued a draft oil and gas ordinance. The 126-page document prescribes measures to be followed by oil and gas drillers in the county. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 9-30-08)

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Upcoming Meetings & Events

Society luncheon meetings are held at
Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown
Blvd. NE, at 11:30 on the third Wednesday
of the month (except Mar. and Dec.)
October 2008

October 7, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

October 13, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

October 15, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. NMSHMM Board members will discuss the 2008 ACHMM Annual Conference.

October 18-20, New Mexico Environmental Health Conference at the Radison Hotel in Albuquerque, on Carlisle at I-40. For more information, visit the conference web site at: www.nmehc.net

November 2008

November 4, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

November 18, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

November 19, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

November 17-19 Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management (EHMM) Course (formerly the ACHMM National Overview Course) at the NMED District 1 office, 5500 San Antonio Dr. NE, Albuquerque. Contact Paul Karas, NMSHMM Education/Professional Development Committee Chair, at 505-243-3200 or  if you are interested in learning more about the EHMM, volunteering to assist with running the EHMM, or in being considered as an instructor.

December 2008

December 16, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

NMSHMM Annual Holiday Social - details to be announced in upcoming newsletters.

January 2009

January 20, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

January 21, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

Did we miss something? To get your event added to the calendar please contact Eric Johnson at .

Society business meetings are held at
CDM's offices, 6000 Uptown NE, Suite
200, at 6:00 on the third Tuesday of the
month (except Mar. and Dec.)

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Monthly Meeting Location

Our regular monthly meetings are held at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill (6601 Uptown Boulevard Northeast; click here for a map). Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month (unless replaced by a special event as announced via this newsletter) from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. If you have any ideas for speakers or field trips, please contact a NMSHMM board member.

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Job Openings

For the latest job openings, please click here.  (MEMBERS ONLY)

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Brian Pence, CHMM

Lorenz "Richie" Spangler, CHMM
Sandia National Laboratories

Mike Sanders, CPG, CHMM

Debbie Finfrock, PE, CHMM
Finfrock Engineering

Brian Salem, CHMM
NMED Hazardous Waste Bureau

At-Large Director
Paul Karas, CPG, CHMM

At-Large Director
Sandra Martin, CHMM
NMED Hazardous Waste Bureau

Committee Chairs:

Eric Johnson, CHMM
Marron and Associates, Inc.

Education/Professional Development
Paul Karas, CPG, CHMM

Debbie Finfrock, PE, CHMM
Finfrock Engineering

Legislative Affairs
Barry Birch

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Please send contributions for future newsletters to Eric Johnson at . Thanks!

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