NMSHMM Roadrunner Logo

 New Mexico Society of Hazardous Materials Managers
PO Box 40635 • Albuquerque, NM 87196 •

December 2008

Some newsletter content is only available
to members in good standing of NMSHMM.

Table of Contents:

Our Mission
To provide environmental professionals in the Southwest a forum for
professional development, education, and networking opportunities;
and to offer our community environmental, health, and safety expertise

Brian Pence, CHMMA Successful EHMM Course
Brian Pence, CHMM
Assaigai Analytical Laboratories, Inc.

Greetings NMSHMM,

This past month, NMSHMM hosted the Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management (EHMM) course at the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) offices in Albuquerque. The course was attended by 14 participants from New Mexico and from as far away as Alaska and Mississippi.

To say that the course was a success is an understatement of enormous proportions. The EHMM (formerly the NOC) is one of the biggest events that NMSHMM hosts on an annual basis. The NMSHMM presentation of the EHMM is unique. Professionals with knowledge and training in the subjects they are teaching lead the course modules. These instructors bring fresh insight and expertise to the course. Many of the EHMM instructors are return volunteers, yet each year we find new talent to add to the course. To these instructors, who gave their time and their talents, I offer a most sincere thank you. We look forward to seeing you again next year.

Our host location this year was the Albuquerque NMED offices, which provided a comfortable, state-of-the-art facility for the three-day course. This was made possible by the coordination and efforts of NMSHMM Board member, Sandra Martin. Thank you to Sandra and the NMED for enabling NMSHMM to use such wonderful facilities.

Thanks to Linda McCormick and Joe Quintero at the University of New Mexico (UNM) for hosting the Data Chem Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) Prep software at the UNM CIRT again this year. The Data Chem software is a valuable tool to our participants in preparation for the Certified Hazardous Materials Professional (CHMP) and CHMM exams.

And last, but certainly not least, a huge thank you to the NMSHMM Board member and Education Committee chair, Paul Karas, who organized and led the efforts of our Board to host the EHMM. Paul, along with his predecessor in this position, Larry Watson, have made the NMSHMM EHMM course one of the premier training events in the region, and maybe the country.

Now, with the work of the EHMM behind us, the New Mexico Society of Hazardous Materials Managers would like to invite you to attend our annual holiday social, Friday, December 12, at Billiard Palace at Wyoming and Manual, from 5:30-8:00pm. So come enjoy some good food, have a drink, and mingle amongst friends. I hope to see you there.


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NMSHMM Holiday Social Moves to Friday
Richie Spangler, CHMM
Sandia National Laboratories

A quick reminder that December is the month for our holiday social which will be replacing our normal luncheon meeting. We decided to try a Friday evening this year to allow more people to participate. So, this year's social will be held on Friday, December 12th from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the Billiard Palace located at 2288 Wyoming Blvd NE in Albuquerque. We have a private room with a pool table, big screen TV, and sound system for our members' enjoyment. NMSHMM will provide some beverages and appetizers to get things going. Please mark this on your calendar. There is no need to RSVP, so just stop by after work. We hope to see you there!

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Local News Stories
Compiled by Eric Johnson, AICP, CHMM

The following are news stories reported during the past month:

  • NMED intends to challenge a state district judge's ruling ordering NMED to provide Citizen Action with a copy of a consultant's report on the mixed waste landfill at Sandia National Laboratories. Attorney General Gary King contends, "the public has a right to know." NMED argues that the report contains internal deliberations not subject to public release under the state records law. (Albuquerque Journal, 10-31-08)
  • The City of Rio Rancho and NMED settled a legal dispute regarding clean up of ponds at the Chamisa Hills County Club. The city installed two wells to monitor groundwater quality. If no groundwater contamination is identified, NMED will issue the City of Rio Rancho a new wastewater permit. If contamination is identified, NMED and the city will work to develop an abatement plan. (Albuquerque Journal,10-31-08)
  • Plans are being developed to supply 90% of the electric power to Santa Fe's wastewater treatment plant from solar energy. Public Service Company of New Mexico selected SunEdison to design, build, own, and operate a 2.8-megawatt solar photovoltaic facility on Airport Road near the Santa Fe wastewater treatment plant as well as another 3-megawatt solar facility near a new water treatment plant at Buckman. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 10-31-08)
  • New Mexico Tech scientists are conducting a carbon sequestration experiment near Aztec to determine how to inject carbon dioxide into coal bed formations while recovering natural gas. The experiment is funded with approximately $90 million in Department of Energy grants and more than $30 million from other funding sources. (Albuquerque Journal Business Outlook, 11-6-08)
  • NMED intends to fine Eddie Schaap's High Lonesome Dairy a proposed $15,000 penalty for failing to install a groundwater monitoring well. Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin had referred to Mr. Schapp as "Ed the Dairyman." (Albuquerque Journal, 11-6-08)
  • Citizens Against Radioactive Dumping is appealing a decision by the state Water Quality Commission to proceed with the NMED water discharge permit for the National Nuclear Enrichment facility near Eunice. The group believes that state officials ignored their concerns. (Albuquerque Journal, 11-7-08)
  • Earthstone, a Santa Fe Company, is looking at ways of using recycled glass for use as a hydroponic soil amendment and in abrasive blocks for cleaning purposes. The recycled glass could be used instead of mined pumice in the Earthstone's manufacturing processes. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-9-08)
  • As part of the green building movement's effort to reuse building materials, Habitat Restore in Santa Fe sells old and excess materials from construction sites. This reuse of building materials reduces the amount of construction waste generated. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-10-08)
  • The New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division issued Uranium Resources, Inc., a permit to conduct exploratory uranium drilling at a location approximately 20 miles north of Grants. (Albuquerque Journal, 11-11-08)
  • Invenergy, of Chicago, proposes to build 50 wind turbines on 7,000 acres of state trust land located on a mesa near Bernal in San Miguel County. Each turbine would generate up to 1.5-megawatts of electricity, but some local residents are concerned about visual impacts from the proposed wind farm. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-12-08)
  • Dine CARE and WildEarth Guardians filed a lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for the agency's alleged failure to reduce ozone levels. The groups believe the BLM has issued oil and gas leases without addressing ozone pollution or requiring pollution controls. (Albuquerque Journal, 11-13-08)
  • Santa Fe students participated in the Trash Fashion and Costume Contest at the Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival at El Museo Cultural. Examples of the latest in trash fashion included Gioia Berlin, 13, known as the "Green Queen", who wore a green gown made from bubble wrap and paper bags held together by old wire and glue. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-14-08)
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) appeals panel ruled that EPA must provide more information on why the agency is not requiring carbon dioxide emission controls for a proposed Deseret Power plant in Utah. This decision is expected to affect approval of the proposed Desert Rock Energy coal-fired power plant in northwestern New Mexico. In addition, Attorney General Gary King has asked the EPA appeals board to consider new evidence that the Desert Rock permitting process did not consider existing ozone levels, which currently exceed federal air quality standards. (Albuquerque Journal, 11-15-08)
  • The Santa Fe County Commission approved a document to guide oil and gas related land use and development decisions. The Santa Fe County General Plan Oil and Gas Element was approved as an amendment to the county's general plan (Santa Fe New Mexican, 11-18-08)
  • Louisiana Energy Services announced it will construct a $1 billion expansion of their not yet completed nuclear fuel plant near Eunice. With the expansion (proposed for 2012-2018), the plant would be able to supply 50% of the U.S. power plant fuel market. (Albuquerque Journal, 11-22-08)
  • Schott AG is scheduled to open their manufacturing plant for glass-based products for solar energy generation in spring 2009. The plant that is under construction at Mesa del Sol in Albuquerque would employ 350 workers. (Albuquerque Journal Business Outlook, 11-24-08)
  • Most of the highest-risk radioactive waste at Los Alamos Laboratory (LANL) has been shipped to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southeastern New Mexico. LANL has shipped 282 "high-activity" drums, containing materials possibly contaminated with plutonium, to WIPP. (Albuquerque Journal, 11-27-08)
  • EPA constructed berms to keep storm water runoff from a 100-year old Silver City smelter out of San Vicente Creek. Summer rainfall during the past 3 years had allowed tailings to be carried by storm water into the creek. (Albuquerque Journal, 11-30-08)

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Upcoming Meetings & Events

Society luncheon meetings are held at
Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown
Blvd. NE, at 11:30 on the third Wednesday
of the month (except Mar. and Dec.)
December 2008

December 2, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

December 12, 5:30 pm to 8 pm, NMSHMM Annual Holiday Social at the Billiard Palace, 2288 Wyoming Blvd. NE. Everyone welcome. No RSVP needed.

January 2009

January 6, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

January 20, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

January 21, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. Rudy Holm, of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and David Raymond, of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), will speak on Vulnerability Assessment, Threat Reporting, and Other Hazardous Material Security Issues.

February 2009

February 3, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

February 17, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

February 18, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

March 2009

March 3, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

March 17, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

March 20, NMSHMM Annual Dinner Mark your calendars - more details in future newsletters

Did we miss something? To get your event added to the calendar please contact Eric Johnson at .

Society business meetings are held at
CDM's offices, 6000 Uptown NE, Suite
200, at 6:00 on the third Tuesday of the
month (except Mar. and Dec.)

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Monthly Meeting Location

Our regular monthly meetings are held at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill (6601 Uptown Boulevard Northeast; click here for a map). Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month (unless replaced by a special event as announced via this newsletter) from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. If you have any ideas for speakers or field trips, please contact a NMSHMM board member.

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Job Openings

For the latest job openings, please click here.  (MEMBERS ONLY)

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Brian Pence, CHMM

Lorenz "Richie" Spangler, CHMM
Sandia National Laboratories

Mike Sanders, CPG, CHMM

Debbie Finfrock, PE, CHMM
Finfrock Engineering

Brian Salem, CHMM
NMED Hazardous Waste Bureau

At-Large Director
Paul Karas, CPG, CHMM

At-Large Director
Sandra Martin, CHMM
NMED Hazardous Waste Bureau

Committee Chairs:

Eric Johnson, CHMM
Marron and Associates, Inc.

Education/Professional Development
Paul Karas, CPG, CHMM

Debbie Finfrock, PE, CHMM
Finfrock Engineering

Legislative Affairs
Barry Birch

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Please send contributions for future newsletters to Eric Johnson at . Thanks!