January 2008 - PUBLIC EDITION

Some newsletter content is only available to members in good standing of NMSHMM.

Table of Contents:
Our Mission
To provide environmental professionals in the Southwest a forum for professional development, education, and networking opportunities; and to offer our community environmental, health, and safety expertise

Richie SpanglerNMSHMM Elections Are Here
Richie Spangler, CHMM
Sandia National Laboratories

NMSHMM's held its annual holiday social on Thursday, December 13th. The gathering began at 5:00 PM and lasted through 8:00 PM at the Billiard Palace located at 2288 Wyoming Blvd NE in Albuquerque. There was some spirited competition on our own private pool table throughout the night. In addition, we made good use of our own big screen television by having the football game playing. NMSHMM purchased munchies and beverages throughout the night for everyone to enjoy. Over a dozen members enjoyed socializing in our private room away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the crowd. Thanks to all who attended for adding to the evening, and I hope that even more of you can attend the fun for the next holiday social.

Thank you to all who have thrown their proverbial "hat in to the ring" for the board of directors' elections coming up. The more candidates the merrier, so please send us an e-mail soon if you would like to add your name to the ballot.

I want to apologize to everyone for some bad information last month. I was wrong about the ACHMM Leadership workshop registration being open. Apparently, the site was a test site for those of us working on the committee to look at prior to it being released to the general membership. I will let you know once it has been released in its final form.

Also, detailed information on the upcoming annual dinner to be held on March 21 will be forthcoming. Please save the date now though, so we can have another great turnout for the event.

With the beginning of 2008, NMSHMM is entering the last quarter of its fiscal year. The new fiscal year begins in March, and that is also when the newly elected board members will take over their offices. Please keep your eyes open for the election ballots via e-mail this year rather than as a paper ballot. In order to make it easier to vote, the elections are being held electronically this year.

Speaking of voting, it looks like it is going to be an interesting start to 2008 on the political front with the presidential primaries starting off the year in full swing. I hope everyone takes the time to go out and vote for their candidate of choice, including the NMSHMM candidate. Please stay tuned for the dates and times for the NMSHMM-You Tube-CNN-FOX-Zogby-Reuters-ABC News debate/poll/survey on our excellent suite of candidates . . . no negative campaigning required.

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Committee News

Government Affairs and Local News Stories
Compiled by Barry Birch, CHMM, and Eric Johnson, AICP, CHMM

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Upcoming Meetings & Events

Society luncheon meetings are held at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Blvd. NE, at 11:30 on the third Wednesday of the month (except Mar. and Dec.)
January 2008

Note: NMSHMM board elections are scheduled for January. Ballots will be sent by e-mail.

January 15, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

January 16, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. Tom Skibitski, Chief NMED/DOE-Oversight Bureau will present "New Mexico Environmental Monitoring of DOE Sites."

February 2008

February 7, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. George Hidy, of Envair/Aerochem, will present "Electricity Production and Climate Alternation."

February 19, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

February 20, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. Chuck Akeley, Manager, NMED/Solid Waste Bureau/Enforcement Section will present "Management of Solid Waste in New Mexico."

March 2008

March 6, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque.

March 18, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

March 21, 6:00 pm, NMSHMM Annual Meeting and Dinner. Location and speaker to be announced.

April 2008

April 3, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

April 15, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

April 16, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

Did we miss something? To get your event added to the calendar please contact Eric Johnson at .

Society business meetings are held at CDM's offices, 6000 Uptown NE, Suite 200, at 6:00 on the third Tuesday of the month (except Mar. and Dec.)

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Monthly Meeting Location

Our regular monthly meetings are held at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill (6601 Uptown Boulevard Northeast; click here for a map). Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month (unless replaced by a special event as announced via this newsletter) from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. If you have any ideas for speakers or field trips, please contact a NMSHMM board member.

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Job Openings

For the latest job openings, please click here.  (MEMBERS ONLY)

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Please send contributions for future newsletters to Eric Johnson at . Thanks!

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