NMSHMM Roadrunner Logo

 New Mexico Society of Hazardous Materials Managers
PO Box 40635 • Albuquerque, NM 87196 •

January 2009

Some newsletter content is only available
to members in good standing of NMSHMM.

Table of Contents:

Our Mission
To provide environmental professionals in the Southwest a forum for
professional development, education, and networking opportunities;
and to offer our community environmental, health, and safety expertise

Brian Pence, CHMMACHMM Is Now the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP)
Brian Pence, CHMM
Assaigai Analytical Laboratories, Inc.

Greetings NMSHMM,

Happy New Year! In the months to come, NMSHMM will be holding elections for the Board of Directors (in January), sponsoring a spring field trip, hosting the annual meeting and banquet in March, and as always, will be hosting exciting monthly luncheons at the Uptown Bar and Grill. So, stay tuned for details in the monthly newsletters and on this website.

If you have not been to the ACHMM website recently or have not otherwise heard the news, the ACHMM is now the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP). The renaming of the ACHMM seems a bit awkward now, but the new name will be more inclusive of all hazardous materials professionals, including the new Certified Hazardous Materials Professional (CHMP) credential.

Mark your calendars now for the AHMP national conference, August 30 - September 2, 2009, in San Diego, California. The national conference is a great opportunity for networking, continuing education, fun, and accumulating those continuing education credits for recertification. So, register now and join your colleagues in San Diego later this summer.

May the New Year bring you growth and prosperity. I look forward to seeing you soon. Be safe!!

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Sad News to Report

This month, we also have some sad news to pass along to our members and colleagues. Mary Le Force, a long-time NMSHMM member and former member of our board, passed away on January 7, 2009 after a long battle with cancer. Mary was a past NMSHMM President and contributed much time and effort to NMSHMM and hazardous waste management in New Mexico. She will be missed.

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Local News Stories
Compiled by Eric Johnson, AICP, CHMM

The following are news stories reported during the past month:

  • On December 5, the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) opened the tap to their treatment plant that will bring water from the San Juan-Chama Drinking Water project to Albuquerque water users. The project has a long history dating from 1963 when the City of Albuquerque signed the original contact to purchase water from the San Juan and Chama rivers. (Albuquerque Journal, 12-5-08)
  • Santa Fe County approved an oil and gas ordinance in response to citizens concerns about proposed oil and gas drilling in the Galisteo Basin. The New Mexico Oil Conservation Division is also developing special rules for oil and gas development in Santa Fe County. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-9-08 and 12-11-08)
  • According to a USA Today article titled “The Smokestack Effect”, two Tijeras schools (Roosevelt Middle School and A. Montoya Elementary), were among the worst seven percent of schools nationwide in terms of air quality because of manganese and manganese compounds in the air. Parents and teachers complain of sinus infections, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, and skin rashes, which may be related to emissions from the nearby Rio Grande Portland Cement plant. (Albuquerque Journal, 12-10-08)
  • The State Capitol was evacuated on December 11 after an envelope containing a suspicious white powder was opened in the governor’s office. Several state capitols received such envelopes during early December. More than 20 people were quarantined and taken to St. Vincent Regional Medical Center for treatment. A preliminary field test indicated that the power was “not biological or toxic.” Further analysis found that the powder was not “anthrax or any other type of dangerous chemical pathogen.” (Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-11-08)
  • Signet Solar, based in California, plans to construct a solar energy panel production plant in Belen. Initially 200 people will be employed at the plant, and this figure could increase to 600 employees by 2010. The plant will manufacture large, thin-film silicon modules, which will be used for energy production at a nearby 700-acre solar energy farm in the proposed Rancho Cielo community near Interstate 25. (Albuquerque Journal, 12-17-08)
  • The Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) plans to consolidate nuclear material nationwide at the following locations: (1) plutonium trigger manufacturing and other plutonium research to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL): (2) uranium manufacturing, dismantling, and research to a new center at the Y-12 Oak Ridge complex in Tennessee; (3) plutonium warhead assembly and disassembly at the Pantex facility near Amarillo; and (4) tritium production and plutonium storage at the Savannah River Complex in South Carolina. Plutonium stockpiles will be removed from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. (Albuquerque Journal, 12-17-08)
  • The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) intends to issue a $371,400 fine to the Northwest New Mexico Regional Solid Waste Authority for 15 alleged violations at the Red Rocks Regional Landfill in Thoreau. The alleged violations include failure to cover material, control litter, keep space as small as possible, use safe storage practices for scrap metal and tires, and develop a waste screening plan. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-19-08)
  • The Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency may cancel their spring hazardous waste drop-off day, although a final decision has not been made. The agency is preparing a request for proposals to seek bids for the operation of a household-hazardous waste facility, which would be financed through an environmental surcharge on monthly bills. In the meantime, Santa Fe residents can take household hazardous waste to a transfer station. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-22-08)
  • The City of Albuquerque is initiating a rewards program for 10,000 households participating in a pilot recycling program. These households have received blue bins, and the households will be monitored for use of the bins for recycling. Households that recycle can receive coupons or other rewards at establishments such as Garduño’s or John Brook’s supermarkets. (Albuquerque Journal, 12-23-08)
  • The Public Regulation Commission voted to require Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) to pay businesses 15 cents for each solar-produced kilowatt-hour of electricity that businesses use. Residences will continue to receive an incentive of 13 cents per kilowatt-hour. Under state law, PNM is required to obtain 6% of its total energy sales from renewable energy sources, such as wind and biomass, and by 2011, PNM will be required to obtain 10% of its energy sales from renewable energy sources. (Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-23-08)

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Upcoming Meetings & Events

Society luncheon meetings are held at
Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown
Blvd. NE, at 11:30 on the third Wednesday
oof the month (except Mar. and Dec.)
January 2009

NMSHMM Board Elections – Ballots will be sent and received by e-mail.

January 20, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

January 21, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. Rudy Holm, of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and David Raymond, of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), will speak on Vulnerability Assessment, Threat Reporting, and Other Hazardous Material Security Issues.

February 2009

February 3, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

February 17, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

February 18, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

March 2009

March 3, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

March 17, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

March 20, NMSHMM Annual Dinner Mark your calendars - more details in future newsletters

April 2009

April 7, 11:30 am, New Mexico Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) monthly meeting at the Golden Corral (10415 Central Avenue NE, northeast of Eubank) in Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

April 14, 5:30 pm, NMSHMM Board Meeting at CDM offices, 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200. All members are welcome.

April 15, 11:30 am, NMSHMM Luncheon/General Meeting at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill, 6601 Uptown Boulevard NE, Albuquerque. Speaker to be announced.

Did we miss something? To get your event added to the calendar please contact Eric Johnson at .

Society business meetings are held at
CDM's offices, 6000 Uptown NE, Suite
200, at 6:00 on the third Tuesday of the
month (except Mar. and Dec.)

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Monthly Meeting Location

Our regular monthly meetings are held at Uptown Sports Bar and Grill (6601 Uptown Boulevard Northeast; click here for a map). Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month (unless replaced by a special event as announced via this newsletter) from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. If you have any ideas for speakers or field trips, please contact a NMSHMM board member.

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Job Openings

For the latest job openings, please click here.  (MEMBERS ONLY)

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Brian Pence, CHMM

Lorenz "Richie" Spangler, CHMM
Sandia National Laboratories

Mike Sanders, CPG, CHMM

Debbie Finfrock, PE, CHMM
Finfrock Engineering

Brian Salem, CHMM
NMED Hazardous Waste Bureau

At-Large Director
Paul Karas, CPG, CHMM

At-Large Director
Sandra Martin, CHMM
NMED Hazardous Waste Bureau

Committee Chairs:

Eric Johnson, CHMM
Marron and Associates, Inc.

Education/Professional Development
Paul Karas, CPG, CHMM

Debbie Finfrock, PE, CHMM
Finfrock Engineering

Legislative Affairs
Barry Birch

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Please send contributions for future newsletters to Eric Johnson at . Thanks!